The events of the game developed after the events of the movie, where a new company called Oscorp was designed under the direction of Alistair Smythe, an expert in nanotechnology, and had planned several experiments using the research of Dr. Curt Connors, also known as The Lizard. But some electronic experiments have escaped, which caused chaos in Manhattan in New York City, and special forces have been put in place to combat these types of escaped experiments, and therefore our hero Spider-Man is one of them, Alistair Smythe developed a group of giant robots, but it happened not Bear in mind that the robots built to save the city have been infected by a virus and are destroying the city.
Now it is the turn of our legendary hero, Spider-Man, to intervene and save the situation and stop both the escaping experiments and the huge robots that Alistair Smythe created. Among the villains that Spider-Man will face is one of his old enemies Rhino, as well as Iguana, Felicia Hardy, Vermin, and Scorpion, and they will act as heads in the main story of the game. Also, do not forget that The Lizard has a role in the game. The developers also introduced a new main character named Nattie for this part of the game.
As we are accustomed, Spider-Man is in every part better than the previous one, as the game contains an open world with the ability to do whatever you want, and the most beautiful thing in the game is the flying system and the use of ropes with Spider-Man, it will make you feel great freedom in movement and moving between the city In addition to the feature of moving to the perspective of the first person and launching the ropes in the direction you want to go. This will make your speed increase by one year over the previous parts. You can run on buildings, hang from the ceiling, or circle around small columns.
The combat system is often said to be similar to the Batman game as it has some game characteristics such as the ability to repel attacks or infiltrate behind the enemy and eliminate it by stealth and also there is a force update system for Spider-Man where you will have a number of levels as you rise in the level, become stronger and This can be done by killing the enemies a lot without being hit. And sometimes you may fight inside the buildings, allowing you to use the walls around you to infiltrate instead of attacking the enemies. You will have a lot of fighting moves, and we will see a wide variety of them from what eliminates boredom while fighting. Sometimes in the game, when you perform strong moves, you will have to quickly press some buttons while they are displayed on the screen to execute them correctly. The enemies here are varied, and most of them are larger than you, and each has a special way to kill it.
The missions are varied and their goals are different, but most of the main missions have combat, but there are some fun sub-tasks like sticking spy devices on the edges of buildings, chasing a stolen car, or saving some people from death in public accidents. And you can also spend your time collecting photo magazines scattered in the city, which you will find flying in the air or falling on the roof of buildings. The player will be able to use the spider ropes to swing around the place or launch it at the enemies to immobilize them. And there is a place to go that is like your home
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